Driver Experience Days at Barrow Hill, Chesterfield with A1 Pacific
Tornado The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, in conjunction with Barrow Hill Roundhouse, is pleased to announce that Tornado will be taking part in driver experience days on Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th October 2010. Opportunities to drive and fire this unique locomotive are very rare indeed and places are strictly limited.
The cost of the Driver Experience Day is £550 per person. A1 Steam Locomotive Trust Covenantors and Barrow Hill Society Members are entitled to a £50 discount on this price. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To ensure every guest gains the most from the experience, a maximum of four people will be allowed to take part on each day.
The day will start at 9.00am with breakfast, a safety briefing and an introduction to the two locomotives you will be firing and driving - A1 Pacific Tornado and the 0-6-0 Peckett 2000. The group will then be split into two pairs and each pair will take it in turns to fire and drive both locomotives throughout the morning. There will be a break for lunch and a tour of the Roundhouse after which the driving and firing turns will continue, this time using Tornado only. The day will finish at 4.00pm.

Put yourself here - this is a rare chance to get your hand on the regulator of Tornado! - A1SLT
At the end of the course you will receive a commemorative certificate, signed by representatives of The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust and Barrow Hill Roundhouse.
We are also offering you the opportunity to bring a partner or friend to share the day's experience with you at a cost of £50 per person. They will join you for breakfast and lunch and the tour of the Roundhouse. They may wish to spend the day observing your driving and firing prowess from the Coaling Stage in the yard or perhaps take a break in one of the carriages being hauled by the Peckett.
Please contact at The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust to book your place on this unique driver experience course. Alternatively please call Barrow Hill Roundhouse on 01246 472450 or email Payments - by cheque only - should be made payable to "Barrow Hill Limited" and sent to Barrow Hill Roundhouse, Campbell Drive, Barrow Hill, Chesterfield, S43 2PR. Please note that we cannot accept payment by credit card.

Tornado on the Barrow Hill turntable - Clive Hanley