The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust and the Head of Steam, Darlington Railway Museum has joined forces with Wylam Brewery to produce a new Pale Ale to be sold exclusively at the Museum. The new beer, described as ‘honey coloured with a tangerine aroma’ will go on sale at the museum in July and 25 pence from every sale will be donated to the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust to help ensure
Tornado’s future operations on the mainline.
“It seemed to be the right thing to do” says Dave Tetlow, Head of Steam Museum Manager. “Wylam Brewery already brew a number of railway themed beers for the Museum including Locomotion No1 lager and Rocket Ale and they were delighted to produce a beer especially to promote
If you would like to try the new ale – and support
Tornado on the mainline, please telephone or email the museum for further details or call in and buy from the museum shop.
Head of Steam Darlington Railway Museum, North Road Station, Darlington DL3 6ST; Tel – 01325-460532; E-mail –