Announcing our 2017 Annual Convention Draw
The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust is pleased to announce the launch of our Annual Convention Prize Draw for 2017.
The aim of the draw is to raise additional funds for No. 60163
Tornado, with all money raised going directly towards the ongoing running and maintenance costs of
Prizes are as follows:
1st Prize – Table for two in first class dining on an A1SLT promoted tour (Value £495)
2nd Prize – Main Line Support Crew Experience (Value £400)
3rd Prize – Heritage Line Support Crew Experience (Value £300)
4th Prize – Heritage Line Footplate Ride
5th Prize – 60163 Smokebox Number Plate
6th Prize – Hornby Model of No. 60163
2 x Prizes of 1 years Tornado Team Membership (for children aged 5 – 15)
5 x Prizes of Gresley’s Class P2 Locomotives Book, by Andrew Hardy
A book of 10 raffle tickets will be sent out to each of our registered supporters shortly, along with their annual convention invite. Tickets can be sold for £1 each and will be entered into the prize draw once monies and stubs have been received at Darlington Locomotive Works. Registered supporters can request additional books to sell.
Individual tickets can be bought for £1 each, on our main line trains, on our stand at heritage railways, at Darlington Locomotive Works open days and at Darlington Head Of Steam Museum.
If you are not a regular supporter and will not be attending any of the above events but you wish to support the cause, you can obtain tickets directly from The Trust. You can purchase tickets in books of 10*, by writing to us at Darlington Locomotive Works, Hopetown Lane, Darlington, DL3 6RQ. You must include your Name, Address, Email Address and a Contact Phone Number, along with a stamped addressed envelope and a cheque for £10 per book of tickets, made payable to The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust. Once received, we will post the tickets out to you.
All ticket stubs and monies sent by post, must be received at Darlington Locomotive Works by 27th August 2017. The draw will take place at our annual convention on Saturday 30th September 2017.
Full terms and conditions can be obtained by emailing or by sending a SAE to Darlington Locomotive Works at the address above.
*Due to the increased administrative time involved in selling postal tickets, it will not be cost effective for us to sell them individually, it has therefore been decided that tickets requested by post will only be sold to the requester in books of 10.