The book that every new owner of a Peppercorn A1 should have in the glove compartment.... or maybe a tender locker! This is a Haynes Manual with a difference. Published in association with The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, it explains the construction, operation and maintenance of 60163
Tornado. The book explains how No. 60163 was based on the LNER Peppercorn Class A1 design, of which 49 were originally built but eventually all scrapped, and how
Tornado is a magnificent and fully operational version that is totally faithful to the original Peppercorn A1s in all respects except for modernisation to suit today’s safety requirements. This manual about a unique steam locomotive will fascinate all railway enthusiasts as well as those who appreciate British engineering excellence. The book carries an RRP of £19.99 and will be available through the A1 Trust webshop - it includes the following sections:
Background of the A1 class: the original 49 A1s built in 1948-49.
The original idea for Tornado and the formation of The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust; raising the funding for the project; sourcing information on the A1s; design and drawings.
The construction of Tornado: frames; wheels; cylinders; motion and valve gear; boiler and smokebox/exhaust; pipework and fittings; electricals; brake and safety equipment; tender; painting and lining.
Certification to run on the main line: requirements and process explained.
Main-line operation: planning a main-line excursion; work required on the locomotive before each run; coal; water; driver and firemen comments.
Maintenance: both routine and long-term.
First year of operation: a review of the loco's activities, both on main-line and preserved railways.
Appendices include key specifications and facts about Tornado, a timeline of significant events during the build process, and a list of commercial sponsors of the project.