Along with the construction of Prince of Wales much work goes on behind the scenes looking at the history of the original locomotives. This December sees the 80th anniversary since the original P2 Cock o' the North was sent to France for testing (watch out for a fascinating article in the railway press in the coming months) and its return to the UK and its work in Scotland. When the anniversary is reached we will share some photos so check back in December. Until then our archivist, Andy Hardy has been scouring non-railway sources for mentions of the locomotives. Newspaper articles have been found as far away as the US, however the most colourful is this two page feature spread from the boys magazine "Modern Wonder" printed in June 1937, three years after the locomotive first rolled out of Doncaster works. It is interesting to note that the article talks about a corridor tender, something the engine never used. The information and cut away drawing were supplied buy the LNER publicity department and were coloured along with the creation of additional prints based on LNER photos by the magazines own artist. We are always interested in any P2 related material so if anyone has any photos, records, stories or anything else please feel free to send them to