Darlington Locomotive Works is situated in part of what was previously known as The Hopetown Lane Carriage Works. It fills the southern end of the building including the centre tower section.
Approximately two years ago, we decided to improve the internal parts of our section of the building ready for the start of the P2 project. We replaced the plaster on the internal walls, cleaned the floors and opened up the original staircase to the upper floors of the tower. As the building is Class 2 Listed, we had to apply for Listed Building Consent from Darlington Borough Council to carry out the proposed works. The walls had to be plastered using lime plaster and the painted. The floors were coated with special paint and official walkways painted a different colour.
Most of the equipment was refurbished and that which could not be repaired was replaced. The exterior of the whole building was in a poor state of repair and Darlington Borough Council was approached to see if this could be rectified. They obtained a sum of money from central government and are presently re-rendering the exterior of the building and replacing most of the windows with exact replicas of the original ones. They have also arranged for the roof and guttering to be repaired as necessary.
We are now looking to make use of the upper floors of the tower section as offices and document storage facilities. This is at the design stage and will need a separate Listed Building Consent application to be made before work can commence on site.

Photos of the works under repair - Bob Hughes