Following the initial delivery of motion components from Stephenson (Engineering) Ltd of Atherton work started on machining the four coupling rods. The next steps included the completion of machining of leading coupling rods and the forging of the trailing rods which were heat treated and delivered to DLW on 10
th December. In addition, by mid-December the inner connecting rod had been forged along with its strap and Stephensons had made a start on forging the outer connecting rods which means that by early 2021 the Trust will have taken delivery of all the heavy motion components.
To finance all this progress The Motion Club was founded in May 2018 to fund forging and machining of the heavy motion, with a target of raising over £210,000 including Gift Aid, from 175 supporters each donating £1,000 in up to eight payments of £125. As of today, The Motion Club has reached the initial target of 175 members, who have generously donated over £200,000. For further information on how to become a member click
The photos show the forging of the massive middle connecting rod and a start being made on forging the outer connecting rods. All photos courtesy of Stephenson (Engineering) Ltd of Atherton.