During a hugely successful weekend over the 18th - 20th July, VIPs, Founders, Covenantors and the general public were all able to view the tremendous progress being made with the construction of No. 2007, Prince of Wales. In addition to the work previously recorded here, two stretchers had been added to the frames as well as the buffer plank. The dedication of No. 2007 Prince of Wales’s frames on Saturday 19th July at Darlington Locomotive Works in the presence of 200 of the project's supporters and sponsors as well as the Darlington Member of Parliament, Jenny Chapman, and the Mayor of Darlington, Councillor Gerald Lee, marked the formal start of construction of Britain’s most powerful steam locomotive.

Before the crowds arrived - No. 2007's frames dominate Darlington Locomotive Works - Graham Langer

One of the newly fitted frame stretchers, fabricated rather than cast - Graham Langer

David Elliott, the Mayor and Mayoress, Mark Allatt, Jenny Chapman MP and her son, Dan - Graham Langer

The Mayoress, the Mayor Councillor Gerald Lee, Peter Townend and Mark Allatt - Graham Langer
The frame dedication day video by Ted Parker