The temporary workshop has been completed at Locomotive Maintenance Services, bar a few final touches, and the lighting and shelving are finished with items already in undercover storage, freeing up space in the main workshop. The tender frames were inspected and have been primed and returned to LMS where the welder has started making the necessary amendments to the brackets to carry the new axle-driven alternator (ADA) and battery boxes. Painting the frames started with undercoat on Monday 14
th February. Work is progressing on the tender wheelsets at SDR(E) and we expect them to be returned at the end of March ready to be painted and reunited with the frames. Photos by Richard Pearson.
The tender frames in primer
The DLW overhaul workshop has been quickly established and volunteers have begun to work with Richard Pearson to overhaul and repair items before returning them to LMS for refitting. So far, an industrious production line has started on tender spring hangers and air brake cylinders and the grate sections are also ready to be tackled next. A steady flow of small (and some not so small!) components is expected to and from Darlington over the next few weeks.
Tender spring hangers at DLW for refurbishment
Further tender components at DLW
Tender brake cylinders at DLW
On Saturday 12
th February, the outside motion was taken down, less the radius rods and combination levers and the cylinder cocks and operating rods were removed ready for cleaning and refurbishment. The next stage saw the boiler delivered to Germany and further work to prepare to lift the frames to release the bogie, driving wheels and Cartazzi wheelset. There is still much work to clean the locomotive frames and remaining equipment to allow easy access to other components. Once the wheels are removed, we can remove the front buffer beam to allow access to the cylinder and valve bores for boring.
Stripping Tornado's motion
Last week the boiler arrived at DB’s Meiningen works. This excellent facility is well set up for this kind of work and a few pictures were taken as the boiler was transferred from road transport and into the boiler shop via the traverser and overhead cranes.
Tornado's boiler is moved onto the traverser at DB Meiningen - DB(M)
The boiler on the travelling crane - DB(M)
To help fund this engineering work, we have launched ‘The Overhaul Club’ to raise a target of £50,000 to supplement the capital already set aside. Donations to this Club will compensate for the interruption to our expected earnings caused by the pandemic, and early withdrawal from service. We invite supporters to donate either £500 or £1,000 as a lump sum, or in instalments, by going to the
Overhaul Club page.