The ETCS batteries have been permanently wired up with cable management. These will be used with the Shore Power Supply to support testing of the tender mounted ETCS components.
The two small ADA Connection boxes (one inside and one outside the tender frames at the rear) were also wired-up. These contain the interface circuit to the new ADA, which is currently being built and we are hoping to install during the overhaul. The circuitry includes our standard over-voltage crowbar, which will disconnect the ADA from the power supplies in the event of a fault that results in an excessively high voltage being output. We are also now including an LED which detects that the trip has been triggered, enabling the crew to reset it at the next convenient opportunity. This can be done from the cess or a platform by simply opening the door in the cover panel.
Wiring to the replacement ES and AS Control Panels has been completed. This involved connecting to the panel the wires feeding the various roof-mounted lights and the steam chest temperature gauge.
A triggered LED has also been fitted to the fireman’s side turbogen box. The LED is already installed in the new driver’s side box that interfaces to the second turbogen.
The new cab roof light box was also installed. This will provide illumination for the Control Panels as well as the new ETCS and TPWS panels, which are mounted adjacent to ours on the driver’s and fireman’s side roof.