Here is another update from Richard Pearson following the progress of
Tornado’s winter overhaul. All photos by Richard Pearson.
In order to ensure we have the funds available for No. 60163 Tornado’s overhauls we need to raise in excess of £250,000 each year. Our Covenantor scheme – an A1 for the price of a pint of beer a week – raised the funds to build
Tornado and now provides the essential support to keep our locomotive in tip-top condition. If you are not already a Covenantor, we would be delighted to welcome you on-board, from as little as £2.50 each week, to ensure we keep
Tornado on the main line where she belongs. Our Covenantor forms can be found
here including a registration form (including a Gift Aid declaration) and a standing order form which can be completed and returned to Darlington Locomotive Works.

The overhauled support coach vacuum cylinders, DA valves and relief valves at the NYMR’s workshop.

David Wright and Nik Proctor refitting the backhead cladding.

The new firehole door mouthpiece is set up ready for welding

The pneumatic greaser been used to grease the driving wheel axle boxes.

The covers were removed from the cartazzi axle boxes for visual examination, all was found to be well.

The front and rear air pump lubricators under test after overhaul at DLW.

The safety valves were replaced.

Seemingly miles of pipework was refitted.

The cab could then be replaced.

Success! Tornado is fired up and passes her steam test.