Whilst P2 progress in Darlington is restricted as the team prepares for the move to the new Works (and No. 60163 Tornado's boiler takes up the remaining space!), third party contractors are forging ahead with the larger components due for delivery later this year. The Monobloc, Tender Frames and Boiler coming in with a combined price tag over £1 million!
The monobloc machining is now complete at Howco in Irvine, Scotland. The cylinders have been measured and the studs have been put in ready for attaching the covers (which have recently been produced in house), in preparation for the hydraulic test. Whilst we had initially planned to take delivery of the monobloc early in the new year, we moved the timescales to better suit logistics, and have the component delivered directly to the new Works for fitment.
The next step is the hydraulic test and our team will be travelling up to Howco to view progress in the coming weeks. You can view the latest images of the Monobloc in the gallery below.
Our Monobloc Club, raising funds for the manufacture of this unique fabrication remains open. With delivery looming, we are still some way off our target and would need in excess of 100 people to pledge £1000 towards this mammoth (instalment options available), in order for funds to not be siphoned away from other aspects of the project, thus affecting the pace of future progress. All Monobloc Club members will be invited to the Works after delivery so that they can be taken around the fabrication by members of our team at an exclusive Club day, before the 'bloc is settled into its home between the frames whence it is mostly obscured from site.
From just £10 a month, you can become a P2 Covenantor and make a huge difference to the project to build Britain's most powerful steam locomotive. Find out more here. Alternatively, if you would like to make a donation directly to the Monobloc Fund, without joining the Club, please contact enquiries@a1steam.com or call 01325460163 to do so.