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Darlington Locomotive Works
Aug 2021
P2 Fundraising update
News Editor
Prince of Wales
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Fundraising to date:
Our ‘P2 for the price of a pint of beer a week’
Covenant scheme
has attracted over 1,000 Covenantors to-date -
now is the time to come on-board or recruit a friend!
The Boiler Club
now has 228 of its 300 supporters initial target (each donating £2,000) and is building up a head of steam -
we must reach our 300 members target by the end of 2021 at the latest
The Tender Club
now has 106 of its 250 supporters initial target (each donating £1,500) and is starting to gain traction -
why not show a little Tender-ness and
help us to reach 125
members by the end of August
The P2 Support Coach Appeal
now has 55 of its 100 supporters initial target (each donating £1,000) to fund the acquisition and overhaul of a support coach for No. 2007
Prince of Wales
we have passed
the half-way mark!
Having commissioned Howco Group Plc to fabricate the new cylinder block using steel castings supplied by William Cook Cast Products Ltd, we have launched
The Cylinder Manufacturing Club
to raise the required £250,000. The aim is to raise an initial target of £250,000 from 250 supporters each donating £1,000 plus Gift Aid (in up to eight payments of £125) -
the first 26 members have already joined.
Our newly launched mini-club,
The Injectors Club
has an initial target of 50 supporters (each donating £1,000) to fund the acquisition and manufacture of the live and exhaust steam injectors -
the first 14 members have already joined
The Motion Club
has passed its initial target of 175 with 178 supporters (each donating £1,000) -
it will remain
open until all the heavy motion is delivered
Dedicated Donation
scheme has already raised over £440,000
The Pony (Truck) Club has passed its initial target of 20 with 32 supporters (each donating £1,000) and is now closed
The Turbogen Club has reached its initial target of 40 supporters each donating £1,000 and is now closed
The Founders Club (to get the project to the point of assembling the frames raised £450,000 from 350 supporters), The Mikado Club (to wheel the locomotive raised £250,000 from 200 supporters, The Cylinder Club (to fund the design & manufacture the cylinder block raised £120,000 from 100 supporters) have all now reached or exceeded their initial targets
Altogether this means that over £4m has been spent and more than £4m raised of the estimated £6m required to complete No. 2007
Prince of Wales
within the next two years, if Gift Aid is included.
Prince of Wales
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