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£2M pledged in just two years!

02 October 2015

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

PLEDGES TOWARDS BUILDING P2 No. 2007 PRINCE OF WALES REACH £2M JUST TWO YEARS AFTER PROJECT’S LAUNCH Pledges towards the building of new Gresley class P2 steam locomotive No. 2007 Prince of Wales...

Dine with Tornado on the Severn...

01 October 2015

Tornado, Our Latest News

Dine with Tornado on 16th October!  Meet other members of the A1 Trust and some of those building the new P2 No. 2007 Prince of Wales. We are very pleased to announce that, during the visit of...

October 2015

01 October 2015

Tornado, The Tornado Telegraph

October 2015

UK Railtours deliver passengers...

25 September 2015

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

This was the UK Railtours organised visit to DLW on 12th of this month. We had three busloads of people split into two groups, one going to the Head of Steam museum and the other to us, swapping...

July 2015

17 September 2015

Mikado Messenger

Tornado on the Borders Railway

10 September 2015

Tornado, Our Latest News

We are delighted to announce that Tornado will be hauling one of the first trains on Britain's newest railway on Sunday 13th September 2015. The near fifty year wait for train services to be...
