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16th June 2014 - driving wheels...

16 June 2014

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

William Cook Cast Products Ltd, whose plants specialise in the design and manufacture of steel castings for all industrial purposes, will make the pattern equipment, cast and machine Prince of...

Spring 2014

03 June 2014

Tornado, The Communication Cord, Prince of Wales, The Communication Cord, Highlander, The Communication Cord

Spring 2014 

'The Devon Belle' 25th August

02 June 2014

Tornado, Our Latest News

Tornado's destination is the proud West Country city of Exeter, a round trip of over 350 miles with steam all the way!  This is a slightly circular tour of Wessex.  Beginning with a journey down...

P2 Frames Event at Darlington

31 May 2014

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

The P2 Steam Locomotive Company is pleased to confirm the dates for our first open weekend at Darlington Locomotive Works.  Invitations will be sent out to Founders for Friday 18th July,...

Patterns produced

28 May 2014

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

Giving a clear indication of how fast this project is moving ahead, Bakers Patterns of Telford have produced sixteen polystyrene patterns for assorted frame stays, horn guides and brackets for No....

Let Dad drive!

27 May 2014

Tornado, Our Latest News

The Ultimate Father's Day Gift: Drive Britain's Newest Steam Locomotive A Driver Experience Day at Barrow Hill Roundhouse, Chesterfield with 60163 Tornado, star of Top Gear's 'Race to the North'...
