14 July 2000
Tornado, Our Latest News
ALL SIX 6ft 8in DRIVING WHEELS FOR NEW STEAM LOCOMOTIVE COMPLETED Finished wheelsets delivered to Darlington Locomotive Works and trial fitted to axleboxes The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust,...
20 April 2000
MAJOR STEP FORWARD FOR NEW 21ST CENTURY STEAM LOCOMOTIVE Major Motion Components Forged The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, the registered charity that is building the first new mainline steam...
20 March 2000
NEW STEAM LOCOMOTIVE APPRENTICES FOR 21ST CENTURY First outside contract for Darlington Locomotive Works New steam locomotive apprentices are being hired to build new steam locomotives...
20 December 1999
FIRST MOTION COMPONENTS FOR NEW STEAM LOCOMOTIVE DELIVERED 250 attend Convention to see Tornado’s ‘face’ for the first time The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, the registered charity that is...
02 August 1999
ANNUAL EXPENDITURE ON BUILDING NEW PEPPERCORN CLASS A1 REACHES £¼ MILLION Enough to restore more than one Barry wreck per year! The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, the registered charity that is...
28 July 1999
NEW STEAM LOCO ON WHEELS BY AUTUMN Smokebox nearing completion in Darlington Locomotive Works. Two tenders and 90mph running for Tornado. The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, the registered...