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Tornado Overhaul Campaign – The...

29 September 2021

Tornado, Our Latest News

It is recognised that steam locomotives, like teenagers, are expensive creatures and so it follows that Tornado is no different! Now in her 13th year in steam, No.60163 Tornado is due to undergo...

Engineering update - Cylinders...

14 September 2021

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

Cylinders and valves - Having gone through a thorough selection process, the order for the fabricated cylinder block was placed with Howco at Irvine in Scotland. Howco is part of a large Japanese...

September engineering update -...

10 September 2021

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

Pony Truck - The pony truck main frame has been returned from the manufacturer following final machining.  The side control spring components are having the final machining processes completed at...

P2 Fundraising update

20 August 2021

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

Fundraising to date: Our ‘P2 for the price of a pint of beer a week’ Covenant scheme has attracted over 1,000 Covenantors to-date - now is the time to come on-board or recruit a friend! ...

1000th Covenantor signs up!

11 August 2021

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

‘Price of a pint of beer a week’ regular donation scheme on-track to raise over £250,000 per year The project to build new Gresley class P2 steam locomotive No. 2007 Prince of Wales is delighted...

July 2021

01 August 2021

Mikado Messenger
