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Christmas gifts forged from steel.

23 December 2020

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

Second pair of coupling rods delivered for Britain’s most powerful steam locomotive We are extremely pleased to announce that the second pair of machined coupling rods has been delivered to...

Boiler No.1 (or is it No.2?)...

22 December 2020

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

Significant progress has been made with all the major components being on hand the first boiler (the spare for Tornado and Prince of Wales) starting to look like a boiler. The boiler for No. 2007...

December 2020

18 December 2020

Mikado Messenger

Forge Friday!

18 December 2020

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

Following the initial delivery of motion components from Stephenson (Engineering) Ltd of Atherton work started on machining the four coupling rods.  The next steps included the completion of...

Adding the whoa to the go!

15 December 2020

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

We continue to accumulate brake rigging for the engine, with the two trailing brake hangers and brake stay trial fitted to the frames. The two brake cross shafts have been delivered and Ed Laxton...

Pony truck progress.

13 December 2020

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

The pony truck should has been delivered to DLW. The manganese steel hornblock liners have been welded, after which the main pony truck frame was re-mounted on the horizontal borer at North View...
