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Jenny Chapman M.P. visits...

27 June 2018

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

On Saturday 16th May Darlington M.P. Jenny Chapman visited Darlington Locomotive Works with Nia Griffiths (MP for Llanelli and Shadow Defence Secretary).  She was presented with 'The Dream Team'...

Repairs update

22 June 2018

Tornado, Our Latest News

Repairs continue apace to get Tornado back into traffic. The work to re-bore the valves is complete and manufacture or repair of the necessary new components is well advanced. The nature of the...

The shape of things to come

16 June 2018

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

A start has been made with the trial fitting of the cladding on the frames and so far it appears to fit! Photos by David Elliott

A 'tyring' day!

13 June 2018

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

Excellent progress continues to be made with the process of wheeling and tyring at South Devon Railway (Engineering).  These photos show the steps involved in preparing the wheel centres (now all...

May 2018

11 June 2018

Tornado, The Tornado Telegraph

June 2018

11 June 2018

Tornado, The Tornado Telegraph
