We recently launched a £20,000 appeal – The Pony (Truck) Club – to fund the construction of the leading pony truck for No. 2007
Prince of Wales. We set a minimum target of 20 generous supporters willing to donate £1,000 plus Gift Aid (in up to four payments of £250) but this club has galloped away and more than 20 supporters have already signed up. We have therefore decided to extend the club by a few members to cover the considerable certification costs associated with the modified pony truck design. Please consider joining The Pony (Truck) Club in advance of the frame’s delivery to DLW, you can find details

The latest CAD drawing of the revised pony truck arrangement for No. 2007.
North View Engineering Solutions in Darlington are making progress with the pony truck fabrication, although this has been slowed by the COVID-19 issue. In the meantime the pony truck cannonbox has been temporarily assembled on the wheelset bearings using a set of trial fit adjustment rings (originally made for when the similar process was carried out on
Tornado’s bogie wheelsets). Daniela Filová has measured the end float of the cannonbox which enables us to calculate the required thickness of the permanent adjustment rings to provide the Timken recommended end float and to ensure that the cannonbox is centred on the wheelset. All photos by Daniela Filová.

Pony truck wheelset on its end for measuring the cannonbox end float.

Pony truck steering arm fabrication.

Pony truck crosshead guide fabrication.

Pony truck side frames with doublers tacked on.