This year the A1SLT chose to hold its annual convention at the Great Northern Hotel in Peterborough, Tornado being conveniently based at the Nene Valley Railway. 120 Covenantors listened to updates from Trustees including Mark Allatt with review of the past year, David Elliott on engineering and John Wilkinson with a summary of the operations side. Richard Peck presented a quick preview of planned work for Tornado in 2013, Gill Lord reported on a very successful year for the merchandising team and Alexa Stott called for more volunteers in her summary of that area. Graham Nicholas introduced Owen Evans of Delta Rail who showed Covenantors progress with the P2 study, including a very graphic illustration of the “misbehaviour” of the swing-link pony truck as originally designed. Mark Allatt then closed the meeting by saying that during planned maintenance in October and November the opportunity would be taken to repaint Tornado…. blue!
Stuart Black made this lovely rendering of Tornado in BR express passenger blue
140 Covenantors then transferred by coach to the N.V.R. to enjoy lunch on a train hauled by Tornado and a sunny afternoon exploring the railway. Those who still had some energy returned to the Great Northern Hotel that evening for what is becoming a very popular annual dinner. After a most enjoyable meal, Covenantors were entertained by guest speaker Murray Brown of Rail Express magazine.
Covenantors with their loco at Peterborough - Paul Davies
The 'Tornado Team' Day Out took place the day after at Wansford, with 12 'Tornado Team' members and their families enjoying a day with Tornado in the sunshine. After a welcome from Mark Allatt and Alexa Stott, David Elliott spent several hours on the footplate showing the children how Tornado works and then the children set to work cleaning her. Tornado may not have been much cleaner at the end of it but the children were certainly dirtier! This was the first of many enjoyable days we hope the Team will have with their locomotive.
Tornado Team members with their locomotive - Alexa Stott