Motion fund for Britain’s most powerful steam locomotive reaches almost £75,000 and the order for the heavy motion is placed.
We are pleased to announce that The Motion Club, which was launched in April 2018, has welcomed over a third of its 175-member target, with 60 people already signed up. The Motion Club aims to raise £210,000, through 175 supporters each donating £1,000 (plus Gift Aid) in up to eight payments of £125, to manufacture the motion for No. 2007
Prince of Wales.
In order to complete No. 2007 by 2021, we needed to order the heavy motion this year. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters and the quick uptake of The Motion Club, we were confident enough to order the motion. The £181,000 order has been placed with Stephenson Engineering Ltd of Atherton, Manchester for the heavy motion. The order includes the forging, machining and heat treatment of the nine heavy motion rods - intermediate coupling rod LH/RH, trailing coupling rod LH/RH, leading coupling rod LH/RH, outside connecting rod LH/RH and the inside connecting rod assembly (including strap, gluts and strap nuts and washers) – and the combined piston and rod. The motion is expected to be delivered in batches between December 2018 and December 2019, with the first item, the intermediate coupling rods, expected to be delivered towards the end of December 2018. Orders to follow for the motion include rod bushes, oil box covers and miscellaneous components.

Mark Allatt, P2 Project Director and Trustee, The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, commented, “We are delighted with the level of support that the project to build Britain’s most powerful steam locomotive has received since its launch. Thanks to our supporters’ continued generosity, over £3m has now been donated or pledged. Recently we have been focused on preparing to wheel No. 2007 and completing the boiler cladding.
“We now want to turn our attention to the motion which is our next major design and manufacturing challenge. Given the level of support The Motion Club has received in just three months, we are confident we can raise the additional £135,000 needed to pay for the heavy motion, and remain on-track for completion of new Gresley class P2 locomotive, No. 2007
Prince of Wales in 2021.
“I would encourage all steam enthusiasts who haven’t yet contributed to this exciting project to help us to meet these deadlines by becoming a member of The Motion Club or a monthly ‘P2 for the price of a pint of beer a week’ Covenantor. It’s time to get on board! This year will see further major announcements as the construction of new Gresley class P2 No. 2007
Prince of Wales gathers pace.”