The third report - John Wilkinson
Since our last update considerable progress has been made particularly with the boiler. We have had a visit from the boiler inspector and following this meeting a work programme has been agreed to ensure that the boiler maintains its usual reliable performance during the next operating period. The safety valves and injectors have been removed from the locomotive for annual inspection and maintenance again, these tasks are carried out to ensure reliability.
The copper pipework which feeds steam from the various control valves in the cab has been removed and taken to Darlington Locomotive Works for annealing to ensure that the pipework retains its flexibility.
Finally the area under the front of the tender is a harsh environment being regularly wet both with rainwater and water used to keep the coaldust down in the cab. The resultant mixture is quite corrosive and so remedial work was required to ensure that deterioration is kept in check. Diana Hurfurt, one of our volunteers who is usually seen with the on train/ merchandise teams has recently spent two days needle gunning this area and re priming all the metalwork.

Diana's handiwork for all to see - Jon Pridmore