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Regular Donations

Become a regular donor or ‘Covenantor’

How to become an ‘A1 for the price of a pint of beer a week’ regular donor or ‘covenantor’.

Covenantors are at the core of what we do at The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, and without their continued support we simply would not be able to keep Tornado running.

By making a small donation – the equivalent of the price of a pint of beer a week – you can help us stay on track. By regularly donating from as little as £2.50 a week (although if you can donate more, that would be welcome indeed!), we are able to forecast a regular and reliable income allowing careful planning of maintenance, larger overhauls and special projects.

From the Trust’s inception 30 years ago, our Covenantors have provided the funds to build Tornado. Much of the locomotive as you see it today has been funded by this means – a lot of people contributing a small amount on a regular basis. Since completion, our Covenantors have provided essential support to keep the locomotive in tip-top condition and operating on the mainline. Now you too can be a part of this incredible story. Tornado is nearing the next planned overhaul and donations from our Covenantors are more vital than ever.

HMRC replaced Deeds of Covenants with Gift Aid at the beginning of the century but our supporters still call themselves Covenantors as a badge of honour! As a registered charity, this enables The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust to claim back from HMRC the tax that you have already paid on your donations. For example, for every £10.00 that you donate, we could claim an additional £2.50, making your contribution worth £12.50.

In recognition of their support, Covenantors receive:

  • A print of Tornado
  • Access to view Tornado at all reasonable times
  • The Trust’s journal and newsletters on a regular basis
  • The opportunity to attend the Trust’s Annual Convention (an event not to be missed!)
  • Special supporters’ day with Tornado

For further information download our regular donation/covenant scheme leaflet here.  

If you would like to support No. 60163 Tornado by making a regular donation from as little as £2.50 per week then please either complete the on-line forms in section 1 or download the forms in section 2 below:

Section 1: on-line donation

I would like to become a Peppercorn class A1 No. 60163 Tornado regular donor/Covenantor:

  • £12.50 per week (collected as £50.00 per month)
  • £10.00 per week (collected as £40.00 per month)
  • £5.00 per week (collected as £20.00 per month)
  • £2.50 per week (collected as £10.00 per month)
  • Another amount (minimum of £2.50 per week collected monthly)

May we also draw your attention to the Trust’s privacy policy which details the manner in which we treat any personal data that you send us. Please download for your reference and read carefully.

Section 2: Downloadable form

If you would like to support No. 60163 Tornado by making a regular donation from as little as £2.50 per week then the forms below will enable you to do so. 

Please DOWNLOAD, print out, complete and return it to us at the address shown.

May we also draw your attention to the Trust’s privacy policy which details the manner in which we treat any personal data that you send us. Please download for your reference and read carefully.