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Winter 2001

01 November 2001

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Autumn 2001

01 September 2001

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First wheels fitted

02 October 2000

Tornado, Our Latest News

FIRST WHEELS FITTED TO NEW STEAM LOCOMOTIVE TORNADO Significant new developments at Darlington Locomotive Works The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, the registered charity that is building the first...

New Chairman appointed

24 July 2000

Tornado, Our Latest News

THE A1 STEAM LOCOMOTIVE TRUST APPOINTS NEW CHAIRMAN David Champion resigns due to family and business reasons. The trustees of The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, the registered charity that is...

All six driving wheels completed

14 July 2000

Tornado, Our Latest News

ALL SIX 6ft 8in DRIVING WHEELS FOR NEW STEAM LOCOMOTIVE COMPLETED Finished wheelsets delivered to Darlington Locomotive Works and trial fitted to axleboxes The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust,...

Motion components forged

20 April 2000

Tornado, Our Latest News

MAJOR STEP FORWARD FOR NEW 21ST CENTURY STEAM LOCOMOTIVE   Major Motion Components Forged The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, the registered charity that is building the first new mainline steam...
